American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heater Repair’

Why a Refrigerant Leak Can Mess With Your Home Heating

Monday, December 28th, 2020

When you hear the term”refrigerant” you are likely to think of air conditioning systems rather than heaters. Refrigerant is that trusty transfer medium that carries heat out of your home–so what does it have to do with keeping you warm in the winter? It’s a good question with a great answer: your heat pump uses refrigerant!

That’s right, your heat pump, which you know can both cool and heat your home, does its job through the use of refrigerant. So when your system springs a refrigerant leak, it is just as much of a problem now as it was four months back. Let us give you some more details about the issue with a heat pump refrigerant leak so you know why you should schedule a heater repair in Winder, GA with us.

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How to Tell Your Heat Pump Needs Repairs

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Winder can see pretty cold weather during the winter months. However, this is following the multiple months of harsh heat and humidity we endure during summer. When you have a heat pump, this system will most certainly see you through the year in complete comfort. Whether you need heating or cooling, your heat pump has you covered.

However, because you use one great system for year-round comfort, it also means your heat pump sees a lot more wear and tear. And let’s be honest, the last thing anyone wants if for their heater to break down in the middle of a cold spell.

That is what our heating services in Winder, GA are for thankfully. All you need to do is reach out when your heat pump starts showing signs of an issue. But to do this, you need to know what to look for.

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Key Services That Invest in Your Heating System

Monday, January 13th, 2020

When you think about your heating system you probably consider how happy you are when it is working well. Maybe you go as far as to think about how annoying it is when your heater breaks down. But do you ever think about what you could do to invest in the operational efficiency and longevity of your heater?

Believe it or not, there are several services that you can schedule that will help your heating unit accomplish its job throughout the cooler months, whether it be a heat pump or a furnace. We want you to know about how beneficial these services are so you can stay comfortable for years to come. All you need to do is keep reading to learn more (and of course when you need a heating HVAC contractor in Lawrenceville, GA make sure you reach out to our team!)

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Will Your Heater Be Working For Holidays?

Monday, November 18th, 2019

The holidays are a wonderful time of year when many of us are able to visit with our loved ones, enjoy a plethora of good food and relax. One of the best things about this season is when it is chilly outside but you have the benefit of enjoying your heater’s hard won efforts to keep you warm.

The holidays wouldn’t be the same without your heater because you would spend a lot more time bundled in a burrito of blankets to ward of the cold and would barely make it anywhere. This is one of the many reasons it is so important to double check your heater as fall becomes winter. If there are any potential problems with your heater, you want to catch them now, before your system breaks down at the worst possible time.

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