American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Drawbacks of Portable Air Quality Devices

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Portable air quality devices have become popular among homeowners who want to improve their indoor air quality (IAQ). These cheap and compact units promise to reduce allergens, pollutants, humidity, and odors, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier. 

However, portable air quality devices have many drawbacks that can limit their effectiveness and value. Let’s go over the shortcomings of portable air filters and air purifiers and why you’re better off with a whole house solution. We provide indoor air quality services in Winder, GA that truly solve the issue of poor IAQ.

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Is Air Duct Cleaning a Scam?

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Many homeowners want to know if air duct cleaning is really something that they need. Well, we’d say look at it this way: what would happen if you never cleaned your home? Imagine the layers of dust and dirt that would quickly develop!

Although your home’s air ducts are tucked behind walls or in basements, they’re also a delivery system for the conditioned air that your HVAC system generates. As such, the same dust, dirt, and dander that would accumulate throughout your home can also be found in your air ducts. 

Just as your home would accumulate grime, mold, dust, and dander if you never cleaned, your air ducts accumulate the same things. That’s why air duct cleaning in Winder, GA is a recommended service that should be performed every 3-5 years. Let’s go over the many benefits of this necessary service.

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Get Ahead of Georgia’s Allergy Season

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Georgia is home to many types of trees, plants, and vegetation that contribute to our beautiful and iconic scenery. In fact, Georgia has 66% forest coverage and is ranked 7th on the list of states with the most forest. Ask any Georgia resident and they’ll agree that Georgia is one of the most beautiful states in the country. 

But unfortunately, all those trees come at a price. Many people suffer from allergy symptoms due to the abundance of tree pollen. With the arrival of spring, you and your family members may be suffering from allergy symptoms. 

Although there’s not much you can do to avoid sneezing and water eyes when you go outside, there are steps you can take in your home to combat their effects. Keep reading to discover how our air purifier services in Winder, GA can help you combat allergies not just in spring, but all year long.

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How Better Indoor Air Quality Helps You Sleep at Night

Monday, October 16th, 2023
Mother giving good night kiss to sleeping son. Lovely mother putting son to bed. Happy young loving mother kisses son on forehead.

A good night’s sleep makes all the difference to your physical and mental well-being. Anyone who hasn’t slept well knows how it affects you the next day. From memory loss to mood swings, not getting enough sleep has many detrimental effects not just in the short-term, but in the long-term as well.

More and more studies have shown how much of an effect a home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) has on the quality of sleep for its inhabitants. For example, people who live in areas with moderate to high air pollution are 60% more likely to suffer from poor sleep compared to those living in areas with cleaner air.

But even common indoor pollutants such as dust, mold, pollen, pet dander, and allergens are found in just about any home, circulating in the air you breathe inside and affecting sleep quality. If you want to improve your sleep quality, consider indoor air quality services such as the installation of a whole house air purifier. 

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The Difference Between Air Filters and Air Purifiers

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Many homeowners feel that the air inside their homes isn’t that bad compared to the air outside. But did you know that a home’s indoor air quality is more often worse than the air outdoors?

Indoor air quality suffers in the winter and summer when homes are shut up tightly to keep precious conditioned air inside and there’s no fresh air circulating throughout your home.

So what can you do to improve indoor air quality? To start, you can contact us about air purifier services in Winder, GA. We install a wide variety of indoor air quality products that are designed to solve your IAQ issues.

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Why Indoor Air Quality Is So Important in Commercial Spaces

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Did you know that some studies have estimated that the indoor air quality (IAQ) of commercial buildings can be 3-4 times as poor as the outside air? Many business owners are surprised to learn that the air inside their buildings is often worse than outdoor air pollution. 

The reason so many commercial buildings have low indoor air quality today is because they are designed to be energy efficient and have tightly sealed construction. However, the drawback to this is that it prevents the circulation of fresh air. Tightly sealed doors and windows along with excellent insulation are great for energy efficiency but at the cost of increasing the number of pollutants inside. 

Depending on the type of commercial property you own, poor indoor air quality can create uncomfortable and unhealthy environments that affect anyone who works inside, lives inside, or even visits the building. Here’s why commercial indoor air quality in Winder, GA is so important and the solutions we offer to combat it.

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Do You Know What’s In Your Ductwork?

Monday, September 19th, 2022

The question we just posed is probably not one you think of often or even one that you want to think of often. You may not see every dust speck in your home but you know that there is at least some level of debris in the air. And the reality is that this debris can build up inside of your ductwork.

You don’t want to leave dirty ductwork untouched. There are particles and contaminants in there that can end up causing trouble for your household down the road. Thankfully we have a solution that can address this issue head-on.

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4 Ways an Air Purifier Will Help You

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Sneezing fits aren’t fun. No respiratory issue is. It makes sense that you’d want to keep them to a minimum, if not find a way to avoid them at all costs. But what if the thing that is contributing to your allergies or other discomforts the most is the air in your house?

This is what can happen if you have a home with poor indoor air quality. But thankfully there are systems that can help. One of those systems is the air purifier in Norcross, GA. Let us tell you a bit more about what an air purification system is so you can determine if installing one may be a good idea for your home.

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When To Invest In Duct Cleaning

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Your ductwork is necessary for your home comfort. Without it, all the cooled and heated air that your conventional HVAC systems produce wouldn’t do anybody any good!

As we approach the warmer months of the year, now may be a great time to check in with your ductwork. Your system may have accrued some extra wear and tear over the past few months and collected a bit too much debris.

Dust may not seem like a problem in your ductwork but we can assure you that it is. Here is what you need to know about when and why you should invest in duct cleaning in Winder, GA.

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Clean Ducts Make a Difference

Monday, April 5th, 2021

You might not realize the importance of clean ducts initially, but those who have dealt with dirty ductwork will have several stories to convince you otherwise.

We’ve laid some of those reasons out to help you understand how clean ducts make a difference.

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