Your air conditioning system comes in handy in the effort to keep you comfortable for a large part of the year. When you AC comes to the end of its lifespan, it probably goes without saying that you are going to jump on the need to get it replaced as soon as you realize you might be without a cooling system during the next heatwave.
Before you opt to have a system that is similar to your previous one, you may want to consider choosing a unit that offers you a bit of a comfort and energy efficiency upgrade. Yes, modern AC units are going to be increasingly efficient, but at the same time, an inverter AC is going to offer you yet another step up in terms of energy use.
If you are in the market to hunt down a unit for AC installation in Winder, GA, we can help with everything from selection to installation and beyond. But we want to start with that first step of selection by letting you know that you may want to consider the option of an inverter air conditioner.
If you haven’t heard of these systems, or aren’t sure how they could possibly benefit you, we would love to give you some extra information about them.
How is an Inverter Air Conditioner Different?
When you use your air conditioner, it runs through a cooling cycle that produces enough cool air to lower the temperature in your home to where you want it to be. The options with this type of system are ON and OFF. With an inverter AC, you can enjoy the benefit of a little more gray area in between having your system running or not running.
Inverter air conditioners have the ability to control and adjust the speed of the compressor motor. This translates to the ability of the system to slow down and reduce its energy consumption as your home gets closer to reaching its ideal temperature.
What are the Benefits of an Inverter AC?
Because of how it operates, the inverter air conditioning system is able to offer you a few extra benefits aside from providing even cooling throughout your home come summer. Benefits you should know about include:
- Less noise: A slower motor and reduced activity are going to translate to lower noise levels when you run your air conditioner.
- Better energy efficiency: Because the inverter system can alter its motor speed, it means that it can use less energy than a constant speed system would.
- Less wear and tear: Reducing the speed of your system’s motor means the parts will sustain less wear and tear, meaning fewer breakdowns and repairs in the long run.
Give Your System the Best Start
If you are interested in making the most of your energy efficiency with your next air conditioning system, you may want to consider choosing an inverter AC system. Just make sure that, whatever you choose, you give your next system the best possible start to its operational lifespan with professional installation services like those provided by our team.
Bringing Comfort to America, One Home at a Time. Contact American Comfort Heating and Cooling to learn more.