American Comfort Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winder’

Hot and Cold: How Your Shower May Be Signaling Time for a New Water Heater

Monday, February 3rd, 2025

Sometimes it can seem like plumbing problems don’t offer any signs until they are serious. But oftentimes, there are signs and you just have to know what to look for. Today we’re going to talk about how your shower may be telling you that there are plumbing problems needing to be addressed. 

If you notice any of the signs below, give our team a call to schedule an assessment for water heater installation in Winder. You can also keep reading to learn how a new water heater may be the difference maker in eliminating some common plumbing problems.

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What Does Air Duct Cleaning Do For Your Home?

Monday, December 9th, 2024

Have you been thinking about ways to boost your indoor air quality? If so, now is a great time to make such an investment as we head into the winter season. Indoor air quality is known to be poorer in the winter time because we tend to keep our homes closed up. 

You can keep reading to learn more about why services like air duct cleaning can positively impact your indoor air quality this winter season. Air duct cleaning in Winder, GA is a great way to breathe easier and protect your health this holiday season.

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AC Maintenance Tips for the End of the Season

Monday, October 28th, 2024

Summer is long gone and we are well into the fall season. But before you say goodbye to air conditioning for good this year, you need to take some steps to maintain your air conditioner so it is ready for next spring.

Aside from the steps that you take on your own, you can also invest in professional HVAC repair in Winder, GA. Keep reading to learn our tips for maintaining your air conditioner ahead of the winter season. Then give our team a call to schedule your maintenance or repair appointment.

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Drawbacks of Portable Air Quality Devices

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Portable air quality devices have become popular among homeowners who want to improve their indoor air quality (IAQ). These cheap and compact units promise to reduce allergens, pollutants, humidity, and odors, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier. 

However, portable air quality devices have many drawbacks that can limit their effectiveness and value. Let’s go over the shortcomings of portable air filters and air purifiers and why you’re better off with a whole house solution. We provide indoor air quality services in Winder, GA that truly solve the issue of poor IAQ.

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What Are the Signs of an AC Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, August 5th, 2024

One of the most common issues with central air conditioners and heat pumps is a refrigerant leak. Although these systems are designed to hold the full amount of refrigerant they should ever need across their 10-15-year lifespan, leaks can develop, leading to an insufficient amount of refrigerant for the AC to work properly.

Leaks can develop for a variety of reasons: an amateur or DIY installation job, faulty equipment, factory defects, wear and tear over time, and corrosion. Not only is breathing in refrigerant dangerous, but your AC system will never be able to cool down your home efficiently if it is leaking refrigerant. Let’s go over six signs that your AC has a refrigerant leak that will require air conditioning repair in Winder, GA.

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Is Air Duct Cleaning a Scam?

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Many homeowners want to know if air duct cleaning is really something that they need. Well, we’d say look at it this way: what would happen if you never cleaned your home? Imagine the layers of dust and dirt that would quickly develop!

Although your home’s air ducts are tucked behind walls or in basements, they’re also a delivery system for the conditioned air that your HVAC system generates. As such, the same dust, dirt, and dander that would accumulate throughout your home can also be found in your air ducts. 

Just as your home would accumulate grime, mold, dust, and dander if you never cleaned, your air ducts accumulate the same things. That’s why air duct cleaning in Winder, GA is a recommended service that should be performed every 3-5 years. Let’s go over the many benefits of this necessary service.

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Get Ahead of Georgia’s Allergy Season

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Georgia is home to many types of trees, plants, and vegetation that contribute to our beautiful and iconic scenery. In fact, Georgia has 66% forest coverage and is ranked 7th on the list of states with the most forest. Ask any Georgia resident and they’ll agree that Georgia is one of the most beautiful states in the country. 

But unfortunately, all those trees come at a price. Many people suffer from allergy symptoms due to the abundance of tree pollen. With the arrival of spring, you and your family members may be suffering from allergy symptoms. 

Although there’s not much you can do to avoid sneezing and water eyes when you go outside, there are steps you can take in your home to combat their effects. Keep reading to discover how our air purifier services in Winder, GA can help you combat allergies not just in spring, but all year long.

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Is Inverter AC Worth It In Georgia?

Monday, April 1st, 2024
Family holding green paper house in hands. Real estate concept

Many homeowners who live in challenging climates like ours here in Winder, GA want to know if upgrading to a more advanced AC system is worth it. One of these types of advanced systems is an inverter air conditioning system. We can say without a doubt that for combatting humidity and high temperatures, you can’t go wrong with inverter technology.

So what makes inverter ACs so special? We’re glad you asked! AC systems with inverter technology provide many benefits compared to standard, traditional AC systems. Let’s go over 5 benefits of these systems and how they’re the best bet for achieving unparalleled levels of performance and home comfort.

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7 Signs Your Commercial Heating System Needs Help

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Commercial heating systems are tasked with the enormous responsibility of keeping tenants, customers, and employees safe, warm, and comfortable. If you’re a commercial property owner, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your commercial heating system is plagued by issues leading to sub-par performance. 

As a business owner, you have a legal responsibility to your tenants and employees to promptly fix any issues with a commercial heating system. Count on us to prioritize a struggling commercial HVAC system that isn’t performing at optimum efficiency. Luckily, commercial HVAC systems are similar to residential heating systems in that the signs they give off when they’re struggling with performance are similar. Let’s go over 7 of these signs.   

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Yes, Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance Too

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Homeowners who have made the switch to a tankless water heater from a traditional tank water heater are undoubtedly happy with its performance. Also called “on-demand” water heaters, their benefits include an unlimited supply of hot water and lower utility bills.

However, there’s still one thing that tankless water heaters require, same as tank water heaters. And that one thing is maintenance. Don’t be fooled into thinking your new tankless system is so easy and “low maintenance” that it doesn’t need tune-ups. It does. Here’s why maintenance is just as important for tankless water heaters as it is for tank water heaters.

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